Defuse The Toxic Emotions Keeping You Stuck

Release repressed energy and tap into a surplus of energy to speed up success

Please enjoy this week’s edition of The Upper-Limit Breakthrough Newsletter.

You can read the online version here.

Also, check out the Get Unstuck Today Podcast for daily insight, action, and inspiration to experience an upper-limit breakthrough -  in less than five minutes.


Imagine your life as a high-performance car designed for speed, efficiency, and longevity, with you as the skilled driver navigating towards your goals…

Now, picture the emotion of Shame as an unwanted driver who has hijacked control of the wheel.

When Shame is in the driver's seat, it's like having a driver who constantly looks in the rearview mirror, obsessing over past mistakes, missed opportunities, and perceived failures. 

Shame steers your car with hesitation and doubt, causing you to second-guess every decision and miss crucial opportunities. This relentless focus on what’s behind prevents you from moving forward with the confidence and clarity needed to reach the next level of success.

Instead of accelerating toward your goals, Shame slows you down, making the journey feel frustrating. You find yourself stuck in a loop, revisiting the same places of regret and self-blame, unable to break free and drive towards your desired destination.

Can you relate?

Perhaps, however, the emotion in the driver’s seat of your life isn’t Shame.

Instead, it may be Guilt, Anger, Sadness, Envy, or Grief.

Regardless, you must regain control of the wheel to unlock your full potential and achieve breakthrough success. 

Sadly, you’re likely carrying one or more of these emotions - and have been for a long time. Not only is it energetically costly to carry such toxic emotions, but it’s also destructive toward your journey to reaching your full potential. 

In today’s newsletter, I’ll help you understand the deep-rooted influence stuck and repressed emotions have on your ability to achieve your goals. 

I’ll then empower you with the tools you need to take back control so that you can not only refocus on the road ahead toward your desired destination but also drive with confidence and ease. 

Let’s dive in!

Energy in Motion

The root derivative of “emotion” is “energy in motion.”

You begin to feel your emotions physically in your body because this energy is literally in motion, vibrating at a particular frequency.

Think about the last time you felt anxious…

You likely also had a physical experience, such as tightness in your chest or knots in your stomach. Eventually, that physical feeling faded as the energy either moved on or became deeply repressed (more on this later).

Have you ever met someone and used “vibed” to describe how well you two clicked or connected?

This word choice refers to the fact that you two were vibrating at the same emotional (energetic) frequency.

Energy is impermanent; it’s dynamic, continuously shifting from one state to the next.

This also holds true with your emotions, as it’s normal and expected to experience a change from one emotional state to the next in the blink of an eye.

For example, on any given day, you may have emotions such as happiness, confidence, sadness, and disappointment temporarily taking the wheel of your car.

The problem is that you behave as if an emotion is permanent - as if once that negative emotion takes the wheel, it’ll never leave.

You end up making permanent decisions from an impermanent state of mind.

If you continue to make important decisions from impermanent states, you’ll experience many unwanted consequences, some of which may include:

  • Impulsive decisions

  • Damaged relationships

  • Missed opportunities

  • Reduced creativity

  • Financial losses

  • Reputational damage

  • Poor Strategic planning

  • Increased stress

Even worse, you could behave in a way that strains relationships with your spouse, children, parents, or dear friends…

How much are stuck, unmanaged emotions costing you?

It’s no secret that operating in an overly emotional state doesn’t typically serve you well. 

When you react from an overly emotional state, you tap into a method of thinking that is often irrational, rash, and not in line with your best self.

Yet, what makes this difficult is the fact that…

You Are An Emotional Being

You’re an emotional being.

This means you’re fundamentally composed of energy.

If I asked you to describe what humans are made of, you’d likely mention the obvious: flesh, bones, and trillions of cells.

You’re correct.

And if we go deeper, you’d agree that on a more granular level, we’re composed of chemicals and nutrients.

These molecules are composed of atoms - just like everything else on this planet.

Atoms consist of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Enjoying this trip down middle school chemistry memory lane?

Recent research, however, has revealed that our previous understanding of an atom’s structure needs to be updated and corrected.

However, the latest research disproves this and sheds a different perspective on the composition of an atom:

That they’re 0.001% matter and 99.999%...


Given that we can measure energy vibrational frequencies and have reached a point where we can now begin to use the words “emotion” and “energy” interchangeably, we can confidently state that we are purely emotional beings.

The secret to success is learning to master your energy, which empowers you to master your emotions. 

You’ve tangibly experienced the manifestation of emotional energy in your physical body.

And you’ve also experienced the manifestation of energy in your mind. However, emotions first begin in the mind, specifically in your subconscious.

And what is the mind, if not a constant energy stream of words and thoughts, interpretations, commentaries with yourself, memories of the past, and narratives about the future?

Listen in to learn how the emotion of guilt gets in the way of you achieving your goals on the Get Unstuck Today Podcast.  

The Emotional Energy of Your Mind

Your mind is energy.

It’s constantly in flux, switching from one thought and stimulus to the next.

You have between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day. Each of these thoughts and stimuli takes form and is ever-changing; therefore, they’re impermanent.

Emotional energy is stored in the words you speak to yourself and your thoughts.

Read that again.

This means that if your mind is filled with negative emotional energy, it will bleed into your beliefs, actions, results, and identity.

Emotional suffering originates in the mind.

There’s a strong connection between the energy (emotion) physically experienced in your body and the mind. When unmanaged or actively repressed emotions accumulate, they settle in specific areas of the body.

The mental connection to this emotion is related to the memory of an experience or thought about it. This emotional stagnation occurs because of the emotional energy of the mind - how you experience, remember, or perceive an event.

Therefore, the physical suffering experienced due to an accumulation of emotions originates in the mind. This emotion-mind connection ultimately shapes your thoughts, beliefs, actions, and results.

This is what you identify with. 

Everything is energy. 

  • Your thoughts begin it. 

  • Your emotions amplify it.

  • Your action increases its momentum. 

  • Your results and reality become expressions of that emotional energy.

11 Toxic Emotions Sabotaging Success

“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”

-Sigmund Freud

Emotions become stuck and repressed when you lack the emotional regulation tools to manage, regulate, and express them appropriately.

Emotions such as the ones below are not only destructive and harmful because they remove you from the present moment and either keep you stuck in the past or thrust you into the future, but they’re also energetically costly to hold on to.

  1. Guilt: Results in hesitation to charge appropriately for services or products.

  2. Jealousy: Distracts focus and leads to unhealthy competition rather than collaboration.

  3. Resentment: Harbors negative feelings that can sour business relationships.

  4. Frustration: Leads to burnout and hasty, ill-considered decisions.

  5. Anger: Clouds judgment and can damage professional relationships.

  6. Envy: Causes dissatisfaction and distracts from personal goals and achievements.

  7. Regret: Focuses on past mistakes rather than future opportunities.

  8. Shame: Prevents seeking help or mentorship, hindering development.

  9. Anxiety: Creates constant worry and reduces the ability to focus.

  10. Grief: Erodes motivation and the drive to pursue goals.

  11. Arrogance: Prevents learning and adapting from constructive criticism or feedback.

One of the significant benefits that my clients experience upon defusing a toxic emotion is an overwhelming sense of ease and effortlessness following through on the actions they’d been attempting to turn into habits for far too long.

Why do these tasks suddenly become easier?

They now have the available energetic bandwidth to follow through.

It's incredible to witness how defusing toxic emotions can unlock newfound energy and clarity for my clients, enabling them to take decisive action and achieve their goals with renewed vigor. 

Take Lauren, for example. 

She carried deep feelings of shame, sadness, and guilt from an unfulfilling eight-year relationship. After defusing these emotions, she swiftly ended the relationship and tackled long-delayed tasks like organizing her home and implementing business growth strategies.

Similarly, another client, "L," struggled profoundly with grief after discovering her aunt's passing. This emotional weight kept her stuck in a job she disliked. 

However, after working through her grief and sadness, she gained the confidence to ask for a promotion.  Then, when she continued to feel undervalued, she took it upon herself to interview for new jobs, ultimately accepting one that aligned with her skillset and experience. 

These stories illustrate the profound impact of emotional healing through defusing toxic emotions. By releasing emotional burdens, my clients often experience a surge in energy and motivation, empowering them to pursue their aspirations with newfound clarity and determination.

Strategies to Defuse Toxic Emotions

Various emotional regulation tools are readily available to quickly implement to manage your emotions better and take back control of the steering wheel of your life.

When the emotional baggage you carry is defused, the immediate benefit is an experience of ease and lightness.

This results in a surplus of energy, which manifests as a sense of ease in finally following through on what you’ve said you’d do or have been trying to do for countless months (or years).

Having defused the toxic emotion keeping you stuck, you now have the energy to transform a desired behavior into a habit, which catalyzes growth and progress toward your goal.

Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Regular Exercise: Engage in regular exercise to release endorphins and improve mood.

  • Breathwork Practice: Use techniques like diaphragmatic breathing to calm the nervous system and reduce stress.

  • Mindful Meditation: Practice being present and fully engaged at the moment to reduce anxiety and improve emotional clarity.

  • Journaling: Writing enhances your ability to process emotions. Make it a weekly or daily habit.

  • Nutrition Food Choices: There’s a direct connection between your gut and your brain. When you eat a diet rich in nutritious food choices, it has a positive impact on how you physically and mentally feel.

  • Healthy Sleep Habits: A consistent sleep routine that enables you to achieve the minimum amount of sleep you need each night promotes emotional resiliency. 

  • Social Support and Community: Talk to friends, family, a coach, or a therapist to share and process emotions.

And, of course, I’m biased toward the fast and effective impact hypnosis has on defusing toxic emotions.

Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to connect with your subconscious. It’s a powerful tool for defusing stuck emotions by facilitating changes in thought patterns, behaviors, and emotional responses.

It can help you uncover the origin of these stuck emotions and do the necessary work to defuse them.

Here are additional ways hypnosis can help you defuse toxic emotions:

  • Induces Deep Relaxation and Heightened Focus: Hypnosis induces deep relaxation and heightened focus, quieting the conscious mind and allowing access to the subconscious.

  • Addresses Root Causes: In a hypnotic state, you can uncover and address the root causes of their stuck emotions, such as past traumas, negative beliefs, or unresolved conflicts.

  • Reframes Negative Thoughts: Hypnotherapy can help reframe negative thoughts and perceptions by suggesting more positive and constructive thinking, leading to emotional release and new perspectives.

  • Reduces Anxiety and Stress: Hypnosis can reduce overall anxiety and stress levels, making it easier to deal with emotions and reducing the intensity of negative emotional responses.

  • Facilitates Emotional Release: Hypnosis can facilitate the release of pent-up emotions through guided imagery and suggestion, allowing you to process and let go of feelings that have kept them stuck.

  • Provides a Safe Environment: I provide my clients with a safe space to explore and address their emotions without judgment or fear, which empowers faster processing and release.

These aspects of hypnosis make it a valuable tool in emotional healing and personal growth, offering profound benefits for those seeking to defuse toxic emotions and achieve emotional well-being.

If you’d like to learn more about how mindset coaching and hypnotherapy can help you defuse the toxic emotions keeping you stuck, schedule a free upper-limit breakthrough strategy call with me today

Your Next Steps

Every newsletter will conclude with a suggested action step and further resources on the topic we discussed.

Today’s action step: Take a look at the available emotional regulation strategies I shared. 

  • Do you have at least three practices consistently in place? 

  • If not, choose one to refine and focus on until you have at least three practices ingrained as habits. 

To learn more about how hypnosis can help you get unstuck, check out the hypnosis series on the Get Unstuck Today Podcast, which begins with episode #32. 

Thank you for reading today’s newsletter.

If you found it valuable, share it with a fellow entrepreneur or business owner who feels stuck in achieving their goals.

You’re one action away from your upper-limit breakthrough.

P.S. What did you think of today’s newsletter? Reply back / drop a comment below to let me know.

  • Fire 

  • Fair

  • Fail

Thank you for reading.

When you're ready, here are three ways I can help you:

  1. Dismantle Your Destructive Mindset Programs: Get the exact blueprint I’ve used not only to unstuck myself professionally and financially but to help hundreds of clients 10X their income, happiness, and fulfillment - for free. ​Get it now​.

  1. The Upper Limit Breakthrough Blueprint: Defuse the emotional triggers and dismantle the destructive mindset programs holding you back from living a life full of the money, happiness, and fulfillment you desire and deserve. Coming soon…

  1. 1-1 Mindset Coaching and Hypnotherapy for Entrepreneurs: I help entrepreneurs get unstuck from their upper limits and scale their income, happiness, and fulfillment with hypnosis. Book a free Upper Limit Breakthrough Strategy Session ​here​.