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- The Hidden Ceiling
The Hidden Ceiling
Understanding and Overcoming Your Upper-Limit Problem
Please enjoy this week’s edition of The Upper-Limit Breakthrough Newsletter.
You can read the online version here.
Also, check out the Get Unstuck Today Podcast for daily insight, action, and inspiration to experience an upper-limit breakthrough in less than five minutes.

My client grew up with a drunk, absentee father.
When he was eight, his father started teaching him how to play chess. After a few months, my client began to beat him.
The result? His father stopped coming around.
This experience taught him a sad lesson with lasting impacts decades later.
Young boys idolize their fathers.
My client's lack of consistent contact with his father was challenging. When his father started coming around again, he was elated.
For months, his father picked him up from school, and they played chess and ate sandwiches on the patio. This was a terrific childhood period - that is until he started consistently winning their chess matches…
As my client’s skills surpassed his father's, his father stopped coming around, eventually skipping birthdays and disappearing for another seven years.
The heartbreak this young boy experienced was indescribable.
To cope, his subconscious internalized a belief: it isn’t safe to win or shine brightly.
When he excelled, the person he loved most abandoned him.
As a community-centric species, the fear of abandonment feels life-threatening. Remember that centuries ago, if your tribe abandoned you, you died.
This may feel outdated and irrational today, but your subconscious and genes feel it on an intimate level…
For decades, this fear had hampered my client from shining his brightest. He continued to feel as if he was capable of so much more, yet he also felt like he wasn’t worthy of it.
Can you relate?
This kept him trapped in a pattern of passivity, inaction, and self-sabotage.
It wasn’t until we uncovered this memory and released the associated emotion that my client felt a newfound sense of ease and confidence in pursuing his goals - the goals he’d always discussed but never acted on.
This has benefitted him in his professional life, marriage, parenting, and hobbies.
He has a different job.
He’s making more money.
He’s engaged in hobbies.
He’s more present with his family.
My client was sick of feeling stuck - like an invisible, gravitational-like force was holding him back from his potential.
My client had an upper-limit problem.
In this newsletter, I’ll introduce the concept of an upper-limit problem and detail the characteristics of this psychological experience.
I’ll also help you uncover the origin of your upper-limit problem, providing the awareness you need to align effective action steps to get unstuck and experience an upper-limit breakthrough.
Let’s dive in!
What Is An Upper-Limit Problem?
An Upper Limit Problem is a psychological phenomenon that describes the unconscious experience of feeling that there’s a (self-imposed) limit to how much money, success, or love one can achieve.
Imagine your success and happiness as the temperature in your home and your internal beliefs and self-worth as the thermostat that controls it.
When your thermostat is set to a certain temperature, say 72 degrees, it maintains that comfort level.
If the temperature rises above 72 degrees, the thermostat kicks on to cool things down and bring the temperature back to the set level. Conversely, if it gets too cold, the thermostat will heat things up to reach that same 72-degree mark.
In the context of the upper limit problem, the thermostat represents your internal beliefs about how much success, happiness, and wealth you deserve.
This setting is based on your past experiences, self-concept, and deep-seated fears.
When you achieve more success or happiness than your internal thermostat setting (72 degrees), you might unconsciously start to "cool things down" by engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors like procrastination, creating conflicts, or making mistakes.
These actions bring your success and happiness back down to the level you’re comfortable with - your thermostat setting.
Your Upper-Limit Problem is Rooted in Lack
Underneath this phenomenon is a lack.
Specifically, an upper-limit problem is characterized by a lack of belief in what you feel you’re worthy of, deserving of, and capable of.
You may be thinking, “Um, I absolutely believe I’m worthy of earning seven figures this year.”
Yes, consciously, you may absolutely believe you are.
Unconsciously, however, is a different story.
The lack of belief behind an upper-limit problem typically stems from unmet critical childhood needs.
Take my client Kelsey, for instance.
Her mother's favoritism for her older sister was obvious, even to the neighbor who did not know the situation.
Not only was her older brother the recipient of consistent physical affection and words of affirmation, but he could also participate in travel sports programs and have his college tuition paid for by his mother.
On the other hand, Kelsey didn’t hear the words “I love you” nor receive hugs from her mother. Her extracurricular activities were minimal, and she was told she’d be responsible for paying her way through college.
Even worse, her mother told her countless times that she was a mistake and unwanted.
She can still vividly remember her mother telling her that she wishes she got an abortion…
The pain Kelsey experienced in that moment was indescribable, to say the least.
This pattern of events reinforced a collection of emotions and beliefs ingrained in a lack of self-esteem and self-worth.
If Kelsey wasn’t deserving enough of love from her own mother, how on earth could she be deserving of what she wanted in life?
As you might imagine, Kelsey struggled with confidence, decisiveness, self-trust, and self-belief - a potent combination that breeds consistent inaction.
This is an extreme example, yes, but sadly, it’s more common than you think.
When childhood needs for love, acceptance, and belonging go unmet consistently, beliefs about what you’re worthy, deserving, and capable of begin to take shape and become deeply ingrained.
It’s Unsafe to Surpass Your Upper-Limit
You've now become aware of a deeper issue underlying your upper-limit problem: a lack of safety.
When an upper limit prevents you from reaching your next financial milestone, achieving your desired success, or finding the love you seek, it often reveals an incongruency rooted in safety.
Your subconscious mind’s primary objective is to keep you safe.
When you step outside your comfort zone, destructive mindset programs and accompanying sabotaging behaviors are deployed to bring you back to a place of predictability and safety.
Consider these scenarios:
Have you ever had a record month or year and struggled to replicate it?
Have you ever paid off your credit card only to find yourself thousands of dollars in debt within 30 days?
Have you ever experienced the honeymoon phase of a relationship, only to see it crash soon after?
When a childhood experience or pattern of events internalizes a lack of worthiness, there’s a stark contrast between what you consciously desire and what you unconsciously believe is safe.

Logically, you know it’s safe to earn $100,000 monthly, sell your company, or hire another employee.
Yet, subconsciously, an emotionally charged internal struggle rooted in feeling unworthy permeates every cell of your body.
Take my client, Jeff, for example. He worked tirelessly as a hustling solopreneur and admitted two years ago that he needed to hire help but hadn’t done so.
Not only did this keep him stuck working long days, including weekends, but his income growth never mirrored his increased effort and time. Jeff felt burnt out, overwhelmed, and ready to give up.
Despite his tenacious work ethic and passion for his work, Jeff couldn’t advance to the next level. He logically knew that asking for help was a breakthrough strategy. Yet, whenever he thought about posting a job or interviewing someone, something always came up to prevent him from doing it.
Jeff came from a family grocery business started by his grandfather. The store employed Jeff’s dad and uncles, and Jeff even worked there part-time during high school.
But Jeff wanted more.
He wanted to blaze his own trail, but decades of family history in the grocery business and his unconscious fear of abandonment when thinking about leaving were powerful enough to keep him rooted in inaction.
Understanding these deep-seated safety concerns and their role in self-sabotage is the first step towards overcoming your upper-limit problem.
Acknowledge these patterns and recognize that while your subconscious aims to protect you, it may also be holding you back from achieving your true potential.
Uncovering Your Upper-Limit Problem
When you believe you’re unworthy, undeserving, or incapable, you develop a collection of sabotaging stories and behaviors, which can leave you feeling stuck, as if you’re unable to ascend to the next level.
Common upper-limit problem experiences look like:
Fear of success
Fear of failure
Fear of change
Perfectionism and people-pleasing
Imposter syndrome
Comfort zone stagnation
Burnout and overwhelm
Can you relate?
Underneath this array of sabotaging behaviors, there exists a lack of safety ascending to the next level alongside a deep-rooted belief that you’re unworthy, undeserving, or incapable.
These beliefs are buried deep in your subconscious; thus, they require a deep-rooted solution.
Yes, affirmations, positive self-talk, and having a growth mindset are vital to getting unstuck, but they’re not enough.
The deep-rooted change you seek will result from the deep-rooted work you do to change your beliefs, defuse toxic emotions, and dismantle destructive mindset programs so that you embody a sense of worthiness and the capability to go after your biggest dreams.
This deep-rooted work involves several steps:
Identify Your Limiting Beliefs:
Reflect on recurring negative thoughts and patterns in your behavior.
Notice what triggers feelings of unworthiness or fear of failure.
Challenge and Reframe Your Beliefs:
Question the validity of your limiting beliefs:
Replace them with empowering beliefs that reflect your true potential.
Defuse Toxic Emotions:
Recognize and acknowledge the emotions tied to your limiting beliefs.
Practice techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, hypnosis, or journaling to process and release these emotions.
Dismantle Destructive Mindset Programs:
Understand the automatic patterns and triggers that lead to self-sabotage.
Develop strategies to interrupt these patterns and respond differently.
Embody New Beliefs and Behaviors:
Consistently practice new, empowering thoughts and actions.
Surround yourself with supportive people who reinforce your new mindset.
By doing this deep-rooted work, you can cultivate a profound sense of worthiness and capability, enabling you to pursue and achieve your biggest dreams.
This process takes time, patience, and dedication, but the transformation it brings is invaluable.
I use hypnosis to help my clients reframe and release negative emotions associated with these challenging periods of childhood.
In turn, they experience a massive boost in energy, clarity, and confidence, permeating every aspect of this business (and personal life).
If you want results fast because you’re serious about leveling up, book a free Upper Limit Breakthrough Strategy Session with me here.
Having Is A Form of Wanting
“Having is a form of wanting.”
Read that quote twice.
Take a moment and think about the situations and characteristics present in your life that you don’t like or appreciate…
Is it possible that you want them - at least subconsciously?
Take financial struggle, for instance.
Suppose you grew up in an environment where money was always an issue and topic of conversation. Doesn’t it make sense that your subconscious may want to continue recreating this environment?
Safety, after all, is rooted in predictability, comfort, and familiarity.
Your upper-limit problem - whether related to your income, impact, or ability to love - keeps you safe.
To begin dismantling the collection of destructive mindsets that hold you back from your potential, you need to understand how this ceiling is keeping you safe.
This clarity will enable you to inject a powerful dose of logic into the collection of irrational fears, beliefs, and behaviors keeping you stuck, which will help you let go.
First, get clear on where you’re stuck.
Next, get clear on how you’re stuck.
Then, get clear on what this physically, emotionally, and mentally feels like.
After you have this information, you can begin to dig deeper.
How is this situation keeping you safe? Be clear, specific, and detailed here.
What fears, beliefs, stories, and behaviors are you routinely engaging in that are keeping you stuck?
When did you first encounter (or gain awareness) that you were stuck?
Who in your family, friend group, or environment is also experiencing the same pattern of stuckness?
Your Next Steps
Every newsletter will conclude with a suggested action step and further resources on the topic we discussed.
Today’s action step is simple: review the previous section and take your time to answer each of the prompts provided.
Also, I created a binge-able crash course on this psychological phenomenon in five-minute or less bite-size audio chunks on the Get Unstuck Today Podcast.
Start here to gain an even deeper understanding of this problem, the associated emotions one experiences when trapped in it, and tangible actions one can take to begin experiencing your breakthrough.
Thank you for reading today’s newsletter.
If you found it valuable, share it with a fellow entrepreneur or business owner who feels stuck in achieving their goals.
You’re one action away from your upper-limit breakthrough.
Until next time,
P.S. What did you think of today’s newsletter? Reply back / drop a comment below to let me know.
Fire 🔥
When you're ready, here are three ways I can help you:
Dismantle Your Destructive Mindset Programs: Get the exact blueprint I’ve used not only to unstuck myself professionally and financially, but to help hundreds of clients 10X their income, happiness, and fulfillment - for free. Get it now.
The Upper Limit Breakthrough Blueprint: Defuse the emotional triggers and dismantle the destructive mindset programs holding you back from living a life full of the money, happiness, and fulfillment you desire and deserve. Coming soon…
1-1 Mindset Coaching and Hypnotherapy for Entrepreneurs: I help entrepreneurs get unstuck from their upper limits and scale their income, happiness, and fulfillment with hypnosis. Book a free Upper Limit Breakthrough Strategy Session here.